Integrated Resource Management System (IRMS) Partners
AEMERA is a working partner – along with Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP), the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), Alberta Energy, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry and Alberta Indigenous Relations – in managing and ensuring a coordinated and effective Integrated Resource Management System (IRMS) on behalf of all Albertans.
Our role within the IRMS is to provide proactive, objective reporting of scientific data and information on the condition of Alberta’s environment including:
- baseline environmental monitoring;
- cumulative effects monitoring;
- data evaluation and management;
- state of the environment reporting in all regions of Alberta; and
- credible data, evaluation, knowledge and reporting to inform policy and regulatory decision-making.
Monitoring Organizations
A range of environmental monitoring organizations participate in the design and delivery of ambient (baseline and effects) monitoring.
AEMERA works with the following provincial and local organizations to deliver transparent access to scientific data and information on the condition of Alberta’s environment.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI)
- Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP)
We also work with organizations to deliver the oil sand monitoring program:
- Wood Buffalo Environmental Monitoring Association (WBEA)
- Lakeland Industry and Community Association (LICA)
- Environment Canada (EC)
First Nations and Métis Organizations
AEMERA is committed to using and applying Indigenous Knowledge to our monitoring, evaluation and reporting activities. We continue to work with Alberta’s First Nations and Métis on ways to meaningfully engage them in our environmental, monitoring, evaluation and reporting programs and activities.
Stakeholder Engagement
AEMERA’s environmental monitoring, evaluation and reporting activities must meet the needs of a broad base of user groups – from private citizens to regulators (see figure 1). Through timely, effective and open discussion and interactions user groups, we will ensure the right questions are being asked and relevant, timely answers are provided.
Engagement Activities
Effective processes of engagement are a critical part of building relationships. We inform, engage and involve stakeholders in different ways including large-scale forums, local face to face meetings and social media.
Our executive team is eager to share the vision and direction of AEMERA with Albertans, and we hope to engage with you through one of our events, or through our newsletters, reports, social media platforms and website.