traditional ecological knowledge advisory panel
The main function of the Panel is to provide strategic advice and recommendations to the AEMERA CEO regarding incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), and the inclusion of Aboriginal peoples within the monitoring, evaluation and reporting system. The Panel will advise the CEO and report on the overall ability of the system to consider TEK in the appropriate context, as well as support priorities and capacity at the community level.
In the early stages of implementation, specific advice will be sought regarding data exchange and information management at a strategic level that supports and enables a parallel approach. Community participatory processes that are based on TEK principles and practices will inform regional priorities.
Key focus areas of the TEK Advisory Panel include:
The respect and protection of TEK.
Accepted methodology associated with uses and applications of TEK in an environmental monitoring context and science-informed systems.
Emerging and Best Practices for application of TEK in a science-informed system.
Effective and efficient methods for understanding and addressing community-based monitoring priorities for environmental monitoring.
The role of the TEK Advisory Panel will not include system design, decision-making, commenting on policy or plans outside of those influencing AEMERA, delivering products, consulting with Aboriginal people, or validating TEK.