AEMERA’s current activities include:
Managing all key, ambient monitoring (previously done by the Government of Alberta).
Conducting a series of meetings and forums with aboriginal groups and organizations to seek input on how best to incorporate Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) into its monitoring, evaluation and reporting activities, and to how best to establish and work with a TEK Advisory Panel.
Developing an initial on-line environmental reporting and information system, AEMERIS, that will provide searchable data from a variety of sources either regionally or by category (i.e. air, land, water, biodiversity).
Meeting with all key environmental groups, agencies and organizations involved in monitoring, evaluation and reporting activities in Alberta to identify the current activities, establish future working relationships, and consolidate reporting standards and activities.
Meeting with a broad base of stakeholders to determine their data and information needs to help best shape AEMERA’s priorities, programs and systems moving forward.
Working with the Alberta Airsheds Council (AAC) to establish a formal working relationship that will enhance the coordination and scope of air monitoring in Alberta.
In active discussions with the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI) on how best to incorporate their database, science, expertise and other programs into AEMERA’s monitoring, evaluation and reporting activities.
Actively recruiting for a permanent CEO as well as other key positions within the organization.
AEMERA also plays an integral role – along with Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (ESRD), Alberta Energy, Alberta Aboriginal Relations and the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) – in managing and ensuring a coordinated and effective Integrated Resource Management System (IRMS) on behalf of all Albertans. The role of AEMERA within the system is to provide proactive, objective reporting of scientific data and information on the condition of Alberta’s environment, including:
Baseline environmental monitoring
Cumulative effects monitoring
Data evaluation and management
On-going condition of environment reporting in all regions of Alberta
Credible data, evaluation, knowledge and reporting to inform policy and regulatory decision-making
In the Coming Months …
Moving into its second quarter of 2015 as a fully operational organization, key activities for AEMERA in the coming months include:
Recruitment process for hiring of permanent CEO (Summer 2015)
Hiring of permanent staff for AEMERA (Summer 2015)
Securing office space for AEMERA (Fall 2015)
Confirming a new agreement with the Government of Canada on oil sands monitoring to build on the legacy of JOSM (by March 2015)
Research, plan and begin development of an interactive, leading edge digital business presence for environment monitoring, evaluation and reporting in Alberta (2015)
Developing a sustainable funding model for AEMERA (2015)
Meetings with stakeholders to continue to build relationships and better identify what kind of environmental data and information is needed (on-going)
Participating in science forums, professional conferences and speaking opportunities with stakeholders to raise awareness of AEMERA and its activities (on-going)
Organize an annual environmental science and information forum (Fall 2015)