Long Term Study

Long-term monitoring consists of standardized measurements and systematic observations collected over an extended period of time. Includes activities undertaken to determine status or trends in the environment.

Wild Fish Health Monitoring

Project Outline Objectives: To develop a science‐based framework for the monitoring and assessment of the environmental health of the Lower Athabasca mainstem and its tributaries through the use of fish health assessments, water quality and contaminants levels; Collection of baseline information on fish populations/communities required for establishing predictive relationships for assessing potential cumulative effects. To […]

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Benthic Macro-Invertebrate Monitoring

Project Outline Objectives: Through invertebrate monitoring, provide the necessary data and information to address key questions (see the JOSM Question(s) addressed below) related to the effects of OS development on the environmental and ecological integrity of the Athabasca, Peace and Slave River mainstems, small tributary streams and rivers (including southern operations), and downstream deltaic wetland/lake […]

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Water Quality Monitoring

Project Outline Objectives: The establishment of long-term water quality data record that will be used to assess status and trends and to support modelling activities and the interpretation of aquatic ecosystem based measures. Changes in water quality status and trends will inform assessments of potential impacts related to resource extraction. The design of the program […]

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Hydrometric Network

Project Outline Objectives: The establishment of long-term hydrometric data record that will be used to asses hydrologic data and trends, to support the interpretation of water quality and aquatic ecosystem based measures, and to support modelling activities. Water level and discharge data will be accessible to external users in near-real time via web-access. Key Outcomes: […]

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Status and trend monitoring of listed, rare, and difficult-to-monitor landbirds

Project Outline Objectives: Develop and implement long-term monitoring programs capable of tracking changes in status and trend of rare/difficult-to-monitor and/or at-risk migratory bird populations with the desired level of precision. Assess status across the oil sands area, identify key habitat associations, and identify regions of suitable habitat. Improve our understanding of the cumulative effects of […]

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