
The 2015/2016 approved project plan for the Oil Sands area includes over 50 projects, involving six organizations. Click each project title below for detailed information about each project including the project overview, geographic scope, and contact information.

Information about our overall provincial program will be added in the coming weeks.

Development of a comprehensive Groundwater Monitoring program in OS

Project Overview: This project is the second phase of a two-phase project aimed at developing a comprehensive groundwater monitoring program for the Oil Sands Region, including the North Athabasca, the South Athabasca and the Cold Lake Beaver River areas.: Phase I of the project started in 2014-15, consists in the review of the existing groundwater […]

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Atmospheric Deposition to Lakes and Snowpack Monitoring

Project Outline General Objective: Assess the importance of atmospheric deposition as a potential contributor to ecological impacts of oil sands (OS) development. Specific Objectives: Use snowpack measurements to develop maps of winter-time atmospheric contaminant loadings for the region ~100 km from the major upgrading facilities for 2014 and 2015. Assess long-term trends in winter-time atmospheric […]

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Improvements to Modeling to Integrate Data (Deposition Modeling)

Project Outline Objectives: To monitor air quality and deposition at the remote FH ecosystem sites, co-located with continuous monitoring instruments for validation of the passive measurements, in order to provide the data necessary to establish cause-effect linkage, and evaluate ecosystem effects due to air emissions. Key Outcomes: More credible data on deposition to ecosystems and […]

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Dry Deposition Monitoring (at existing Forest Health sites)

Project Outline Objectives: To monitor air quality and deposition at the remote FH ecosystem sites, co-located with continuous monitoring instruments for validation of the passive measurements, in order to provide the data necessary to establish cause-effect linkage, and evaluate ecosystem effects due to air emissions. Key Outcomes: More credible data on deposition to ecosystems and […]

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Existing: LICA - Soil Acidification Monitoring Program

Further information on this project will be available soon.

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Existing: WBEA Passive Monitoring

Project Outline Objectives: To monitor air quality and deposition at remote FH ecosystem sites, co-located with continuous monitoring instruments for validation of the passive measurements, in order to provide the data necessary to establish cause-effect linkage. This will aid in evaluation of regional ecological responses due to air emissions. Key Outcomes: Data for use in […]

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Existing: LICA - Passive Monitoring Program

Further information on this project will be available soon.

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