The holiday season is prime time for High Health Risk air quality conditions to occur. With the snow cover, stagnant weather conditions, and all of our driving to and from holiday festivities, concentrations of fine particulate and nitrogen dioxide can become elevated, particularly in the Capital Region and Calgary.
Earlier this week Alberta experienced High Health Risk Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) ratings in the Fort Saskatchewan region with AQHI values of 7 (out of 10) being reported in Bruderheim, Elk Island and Fort Saskatchewan. Edmonton, Strathcona County and Red Deer were also reporting elevated risk levels. The AQHI has improved to Low Health Risk at most stations as the change in weather has broken up the temperature inversion and allowed the pollution to disperse.
The Alberta Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Agency (AEMERA) continuously monitors air quality in Alberta and information collected helps to inform Alberta Health regarding potential Health Advisories that may be required.
Real-time AQHI readings can be accessed at:
The Alberta Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Agency (AEMERA) is an arm’s length provincial agency responsible for measuring, assessing and informing the public on the condition of Alberta’s environment on key ambient air, water, land and biodiversity indicators including information necessary to understand cumulative effects.
For more information, please contact:
Melissa Pennell
Director of Communications
780-644-7775 (office)
[email protected]