standards and protocols
This list contains the standards and protocols collected from the Joint Canada-Alberta Implementation Plan for Oil Sands Monitoring (JOSM) partners that conduct environmental monitoring under the Implementation Plan. AEMERA will initiate a technical review process to evaluate and revise these standards and protocols as appropriate. Where gaps are identified, new standards and protocols will be developed.
environment canada
- SOP No.:1.01/2.8/M Determination of Carbonyl Compounds in Ambient Air Using Absorbent Cartridge Followed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
- SOP No.: 1.03/1.7/M Determination of Organic Compounds and Elemental Carbon QC/EC) in Particulate Matter Collected on Quartz Filters
- SOP No.: 3.01/3.7/S Sample Reception and Processing
- SOP No.: 3.02/2.6/S Glassware Cleaning
- SOP No.: 3.02/4.1/M Dioxins/Furans in Ambient Air Samples (PM-Dioxin)
- SOP No.: 3.03/2.3/S
- SOP No.: 3.03/5.2/M Analytical Method for the Determination of Selected PACs in Ambient Air Samples
- SOP No.: 3.04/2.4/S Solvents
- SOP No.: 3.05/3.2/S Housekeeping
- SOP No.: 3.09/4.6/S Preparation, Use and Storage of Standard Solutions
- SOP No.: 3.10/3.4/S Gas Cylinders
- SOP No.: 3.12/3.5/S Chain of Custody for Legal Samples
- SOP No.: 3.13/3.1/S Reagents
- SOP No.: 3.17/1.0/S Sample Turnaround Times in the Chemical Analysis of Methods Unit
- SOP No.: 3.18/1.0/S Proficiency Testing - Organic Laboratories
- SOP No.: 3.19/1.3/S Procedures for Preparing and Receiving PAH Canisters and Filters
- SOP No.: 4.21/4.4/S Preparation of Polyurethane Foam Plugs (PUFs) for Ambient Air Monitoring
- SOP No.: 5.01/5.2/S High Resolution GC / Low Resolution MS Analysis
- SOP No.: 5.03/3.4/S PAH Analysis of Urban Dust Material (NIST_1649b)
- SOP No.: 5.04/2.5/S Sample Extract - Reception, Processing and Storage in the Instrumental Analysis Laboratory
- SOP No.: 5.07/1.5/S Preparation and Analysis of Sample Extract Dilutions by GC/MS - Instrumental Analysis Laboratory
- SOP No.: 5.08/1.2/S Determination of Analyte Specific Instrument Detection Limit (IDL)
- SOP No.: 6.01/3.0/S Sample Management
- SOP No.: 6.03/1.5/S Preparation, Storage and Use of Stock Standard Solutions
- SOP No.: 6.03/6.4/M Determination of Anions and Cations in Multi (2) - Ion Chromatography System
- SOP No.: 6.05/3.0/M Determination of Gaseous and Particulate Inorganic Air Pollutants by Ion Chromatography
- SOP No.: 6.06/1.8/S Extraction of Filters
- SOP No.: 6.08/1.6/M Determination of the Weight of Particulate Matter Collected on Teflon Filters
- SOP No.: 6.09/1.6/S Coating and Extraction of Honeycomb Denuders
- SOP No.: 6.09/3.5/M Multi-element Analysis of Ambient Aerosols Using Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
- SOP No.: 6.10/3.0/M Determination of Trace Elements in Aqueous Extracts of Airborne Particulate Matter and Other Aqueous Solutions by Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
- SOP No.: 6.10/3.0/S Preparation, Shipping, and Unloading of ChemComb Cartridges
- SOP No.: 6.11/2.2/S General Operations, Safety and Housekeeping Practices in the ICP-MS Laboratories
- SOP No.: 6.11/3.0/M Determination of Near-Total Trace Elements in Airborne Particulate Matter by Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
- SOP No.: 6.12/2.0/M Determination of Levoglucosan and other Carbohydrates in Atmospheric Aerosols by Ion Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection (IC-PAD)
- SOP No.: 6.12/3.0/S Microwave Digestion of Airborne Patriculate Matter Collected on Filters Using CEM MARS-5
- SOP No.: 6.13/1.0/M Determination of Total Trace Elements and Lanthanoids in Airborne Particulate Matter by Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
- SOP No.: 6.13/2.3/S Cleaning Procedures in ICP-MS Laboratories
- SOP No.: 6.14/3.1/S Agilent 7500ce Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer operation, data acquisition, processing and reporting
- SOP No.: 6.15/1.1/S Acid Purification Using MILESTONE duoPUR "Subboiling" Distillation System
- SOP No.: 6,19/1.2/S PANalytical Epsilon 5 XRF Spectral Acquisition, Processing and Reporting
- SOP No.: 6.21/1.1/S Operation of the MTL AH225 Automated Filter Weighing System
- SOP No.: 6.22/1.0/S Agilent 7700x Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer operation, data acquisition, processing and reporting
- SOP No.: 7.01/1.5/S Automated Cleaning of Sample Canisters
- SOP No.: 7.02/3.1/S Dilution of Samples in Canisters
- SOP No.: 7.03/3.1/S Canister Sampling Analysis Using the Entech Preconcentrator
- SOP No.: 7.05/4.1/S Updating the VOC Calibration Database
- SOP No.: 7.06/3.0/S Processing and Evaluation of Internal Standard Data
- SOP No.: 7.15/1.6/S VOC Sample Management Procedures
- SOP No.: 7.16/2.0/S Management and Archiving of Instrumental Data
- SOP No.: 8.06/2.0/M National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) Network Reference Method for the Measurement of PM2.5 Concentration in Ambient Air Using Filter Collection and Gravimetric Mass Determination
- SOP No.: 8.06M_F1-ver1.0
- SOP No.: 8.06M_F2-ver1.0
alberta environmental monitoring evaluation and reporting agency (AEMERA)
- SOP-001 for H2S and SO2 Converter
- SOP-002 of ACCU System Particulate Matter sampler in Ambient Air in conjuntion with the Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM)
- SOP-003 for Air Quality Reporting Index Reporting System
- SOP-004 for the Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM)
- SOP-005 for Environmentally protected Beta Attenuation Monitor (E-BAM)
- SOP-006 for Whatman and Air Liquide model hydrogen generators
- SOP-007 for Meteorological Instruments of Canada (MIC) precipitation collector
- SOP-008 for NH3 Analyzers
- SOP-009 for the Ecochem PAS 2000 analyzer
- SOP-010 for Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) and Total Reduced Sulphur (TRS) detectors
- SOP-011 for Dilution Calibrations
- SOP-012 for Sabio 2010 and 4010 Dilution Calibrator
- SOP-013 for AENV EDAS Ambient Data Polling System Operation and Daily Data Evaluation
- SOP-014 for Measurement of Particulate Matter in Ambient Air by Orthogonal Light Scattering
- SOP-015 for Sample Collection Using Tedlar Bags and Adsorbent Tubes
- SOP-016 for the Collection of VOCs in Ambient Air Using Summa Canisters and Xontech Sampler
- SOP-017 for the Measurement of Wind Speed and Direction Using Ultrasonic Systems
- SOP-018 for Measurement of Wind Speed and Direction - Anemometer & Vane System
- SOP-019 for Ambient Air Sampling Using a Versatile Air Pollution Sampler (VAPS) with Annular Denuder System (ADS)
- SOP-020 for Measurement of Total Hydrocarbon Using a Flame Ionization Detection
- SOP-021 for Measurement of SO2 by SO2 Fluorescence
- SOP-022 for Measurement of Ozone in Ambient Air by Ultraviolet (UV) Photometry
- SOP-023 for Measurement of Methane/Non-Methane Hydrocarbons Using FID Detection
- SOP-024 for Measurement of CO in Ambient Air by Gas Filter Correlation (GFC)
- SOP-025 for Elemental and Organic Carbon (EC and OC) using Non-Dispersive Infrared Detection (NDIR)
- SOP-026 for Measurement of Ethylene (C2H4) in Ambient Air by Reduced Gas Detection (RGD)
- SOP-027 for High-Volume Polyurethane Foam Sampler
- SOP-028 for Measurement of Particulate Matter in Ambient Air using the Partisol 2000H
- SOP-029 for R&R Environmental Devices Model MFC201 Gas Dilution Calibrator
- SOP-031 for R&R Environmental Devices Model 200 Zero Span Module
- SOP-032 for Flow Measurement Using a Primary Flow Meter
- SOP-033 for Fluke Portable Voltage Calibrator
- SOP-034 for Dasibi Model 5008 Gas Dilution Calibrator
- SOP-035 for Measurement of Barometric Pressure Using Vaisala PTB 220
- SOP-036 for Air Dryers
- SOP-037 for Measurement of Oxides of Nitrogen in by Chemiluminescence
- SOP-039 for Thermo-Miran SapphIRe portable gas analyzer
- SOP-040 for Compressed Gas Cylinder Handling
- SOP-041 for Zero-Air Generators
- SOP-042 for Mobile Air Monitoring Laboratory (MAML) Systems
lakeland industry and community association (LICA)
- SOP-001 Hydorgen Sulphide
- SOP-002 Total Hydrocarbon
- SOP-003 Sulphur Dioxide
- SOP-004 Methane and Non-Methane Hydrocarbons
- SOP-005 Ozone
- SOP-006 Particulate Matter (TEOM-FDMS Method)
- SOP-007 Oxides of Nitrogen
- SOP-008 Total Reduced Sulphur
wood buffalo environmental association (WBEA)
- WBEA SOP-MET-004 Tipping Bucket Continuous Precipitation Gauge
- WBEA SOP-MET-006 Temperature and Relative Humidity
- WBEA OPS-001 On Call
- WBEA SOP-PAR-001 Procedures for Operating Continuous R&P TEOM PM10 and PM2.5 Analyzers
- WBEA SOP-PAR-010 Procedures for Operating Continuous Thermo Scientific SHARP 5030 PM10 and PM2.5 Analyzers
- WBEA SOP-ANA-001-SO2 Procedures for Operating Continuous Sulphur Dioxide Analyzers
- WBEA SOP-ANA-002-H2S/TRS Procedure for Operating Continuous Hydorgen Sulphide and Total Reduced Sulphur Analyzers
- WBEA SOP-ANA-003-NO2 Procedures for Operating Continuous Nitrogen Oxides (NOx/NO/NO2) Analyzers
- WBEA SOP-ANA-004-THC Procedures for Operating Continuous Total Hydorcarbon (THC) Analyzers
- WBEA SOP-ANA-005-NH3 Procedure for Operating Continuous Ammonia (NH3) Analyzers
- WBEA SOP-ANA-006-O3 Procedures for Operating Continuous Ozone (O3) Analyzers
- WBEA SOP-ANA-007-CO Procedures for Operating Continuous Carbon Monoxide (CO) Analyzers
- WBEA SOP-ANA-008-NMHC Procedures for Operating Continuous Methan/Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Analyzers
- WBEA SOP-ANA-009-TRS converter Procedures for Operating TRS Converters
- WBEA SOP-INT-001 General Integrated Sampling Instructions
- WBEA SOP-INT-004 Procedures for Operating Volatile Organic Compound Samplers Using SUMMA Canisters
- WBEA SOP-INT-008 Procedures for Sampling Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using Poly Urethane Foam
- WBEA SOP-SUP-001 Zero Air Generators
- WBEA SOP-SUP-002 Dilution Calibrators
- WBEA SOP-SUP-006 Regulator Purge Procedure
Coming soon!
Coming soon!