measure. assess. inform.

the AEMERA story

AEMERA began as the Alberta Government’s promise to ensure that the province will have a comprehensive monitoring system to understand environmental impacts to responsibly manage stewardship of Alberta’s natural resources. There is recognition that resources are central to driving Alberta’s economy, but there is also acknowledgement that resources are not infinite but finite and needs to be preserved for future generations.

AEMERA, as part of the Integrated Resource Management System, monitors, evaluates and reports on air, water, land and biodiversity. Using the principles of cumulative effects management, will look at how the whole environment is affected by multiple factors including economic and social development.

The Minister of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development made a commitment that will coordinate all MER programs in Alberta to ensure condition of Alberta’s environment are reported on. AEMERA will expand on the Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Program done by Environment Canada and Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development by taking over MER programs in the Lower Athabasca Region.

key milestones

  • AEMP Report (June 2011)

  • JOSM Plan Announced (February 2012)

  • AEMWG Report (June 2012)

  • EMMB Announced (October 2012)

  • EMMB provides advice to minister (September 2013)

  • Bill 31 Tabled (October 2013)

  • Board Chair and Vice Chair announced (March 2014)

  • Board of Directors Appointed (April 2014)

  • Bill 31 Proclaimed and takes effect (April 2014)

key documents