The Alberta Environmental Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting Agency (AEMERA) is launching a new website featuring historic and near real-time air quality data for the entire province of Alberta.
The airdata website is a central repository for ambient air quality data collected in Alberta. The site contains archived, historical, quality assured/quality controlled (QA/QC) data. The data available is at a minimum one-month old and spans as far back as 1986. Near real-time current air quality data is also available on the site, however those data have not undergone QA/QC procedures, are considered “raw data,” and may contain errors.
The AEMERA airdata website includes information previously available on the Clean Air Strategic Alliance (CASA) Data Warehouse and gives Albertans a single source access point for information on provincial air quality.
Users are now able to access all of the same data and functions at the following new URL: Users are encouraged to update their bookmarks.
The Alberta Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Agency (AEMERA) is an arm’s length provincial agency responsible for measuring, assessing and informing policy makers and the public on the condition of Alberta’s environment on key ambient air, water, land and biodiversity indicators including information necessary to understand cumulative effects.
The Clean Air Strategic Alliance (CASA) is a multi-stakeholder alliance composed of representatives selected by industry, government and non-government organizations to provide strategies to assess and improve air quality for Albertans, using a collaborative consensus process.
For more information, please contact:
Melissa Pennell
Director of Communications
780-229-7254 (office)
[email protected]