Funded From JOSM Water Sub-Group: Wetland Monitoring Program Development

Project Outline


The goal of this project is to develop a scientifically robust, integrated, and relevant wetland monitoring program. This wetland monitoring program should address locally and regionally relevant questions related to wetland health and sustainability, and provide information that will allow managers to distinguish between natural and anthropogenic change in wetland ecosystem function.

Key Outcomes:

This project will provide a detailed evaluation of existing wetland monitoring and questions that are already being addressed on wetlands. It will involve extensive consultations with experts and stakeholders to develop a list of objectives for wetland monitoring, with the long term (2-4 years) objective of putting forward a recommended design for integrated wetland monitoring.

The project will focus on engaging different technical, regulatory, and stakeholder experts to evaluate existing wetland programs and design a new program that addresses gaps in wetland monitoring. Work will include literature review, workshops, reporting, and survey design, with the following 4 general areas of work outlined:

  1. Develop a detailed list of existing wetland monitoring programs in the province of Alberta. These programs will be summarized and evaluated using pre-defined criteria, with a focus on identifying points of connection or integration amongst existing programs.
  2. Consultation with academics, government, and stakeholders to discuss and identify foundational goals, principles, and objectives for the development of a province-wide wetland monitoring program.
  3. Using foundational goals and objectives developed in consultation with key stakeholders develop a wetland monitoring framework that describes the purpose, the scope, and the desired outcomes of a wetland monitoring program. This framework will provide the foundation for and guide the development of a more detailed wetland monitoring program design by clearly articulating what is desired from the monitoring program.
  4. Develop a comprehensive wetland monitoring program, including an articulation of program objectives, goals, monitoring strategy, and the development of general monitoring protocols.

Geographic Scope:

This project will focus on wetlands in the Joint Oil Sands Monitoring (JOSM) region including the Peace River and Cold Lake deposits. It will strive to align with relevant policies such as the Alberta Wetland Policy and the Land Use Framework such that the project may be applicable at a provincial scale in the future.