MEDIA RELEASE: University of Alberta Scientist joins AEMERA Science Advisory Panel

David Hik

Dr. David Hik

Dr. David Hik of the University of Alberta has been appointed to the Science Advisory Panel of the Alberta Environmental Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting Agency (AEMERA).

Dr. Hik is a Professor of Biological Science with 30 years of research experience. He holds a B.Sc. from Queen’s University, a M.Sc. from the University of Toronto, a Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization in Canberra, Australia.

His research interests are focused on the ecology and ecosystem dynamics of mountain and cold-region environments; determinants of social-ecological resilience; and the interface between science and policy.

Dr. Hik previously held the Canada Research Chair in Northern Ecology (2002-2012) and served as Executive Director of the Canadian International Polar Year (IPY) Secretariat (2004-2009). He recently completed terms as President of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) and Vice-Chair of the Arctic Council’s ‘Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON)’ initiative. Dr. Hik is also a member of several other Boards, including Polar Knowledge Canada; the Arctic Center, University of Lapland; the Arctic Institute of North America; and the Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research, Yukon.

“Dr. Hik brings a wealth of knowledge to our Science Advisory Panel. His extensive experience and past work in areas directly relevant to AEMERA will enhance our scientific standards and practices. We look forward to his advice and guidance as we move forward to report on the condition of Alberta’s environment,” said Jay Nagendran, President and CEO of AEMERA.

AEMERA’s international Science Advisory Panel provides expert independent scientific advice, peer review and objective guidance on AEMERA’s monitoring, evaluation and reporting programs. Advice from the Panel is used to inform continuous improvements in the development and execution of AEMERA’s programs and to ensure they meet or set global best practices in scientific credibility and integrity.

Visit the AEMERA website to learn more about AEMERA’s Science Advisory Panel and its members.


The Alberta Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Agency (AEMERA) is an arm’s length provincial agency responsible for measuring, assessing and informing the public on the condition of Alberta’s environment on key ambient air, water, land and biodiversity indicators including information necessary to understand cumulative effects.


For more information, please contact:

Melissa Pennell
Director of Communications
780-229-7254 (office)
[email protected]