is committed to ensuring your privacy while you visit the site.
When you visit this website, our web server automatically collects a limited amount of information essential to the operation and evaluation of the site. This information includes:
- The page from which you arrived;
- The date and time of your page request;
- The IP address your computer is using to receive information;
- The type and version of your browser;
- The pages on our site that you visit;
- Any items you download from our site; and,
- The name and size of the file you request.
This information helps us evaluate our information services, and is used only for this purpose. It is collected in compliance with section 33 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act.
This information is not used to identify individuals who come to the website. None of this information is disclosed to other public bodies or individuals.
The only personal information collected is information you give voluntarily. When you sign up for our service offerings, submit a question or a comment, you may be asked for your name, e-mail address or other information. This information is only used to respond to your question or comment or provide our services to you. It is collected in compliance with section 33 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. This information is not used or disclosed for any other purpose than stated here without your specific written consent or unless required to do so by law.
The personal information you submit is secure once it reaches the server. In transit between your computer and the server however, it may not be secure. If you prefer, you may fax, mail or phone us at the contact numbers and addresses provided on this website.
To improve your experience on our site, we may use ‘cookies’. A cookie is a small text file that our site places on your computer as a tool to remember your preferences. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser; however, if you disable cookies, you might be required to re-enter your information more often. In addition, some features of our website might not be available to you if your browser does not allow cookies.
For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, uses software that monitors network traffic. This software identifies unauthorized attempts to upload or change information or to otherwise cause damage. Except for authorized law enforcement investigations, no attempts are made to identify individual users or other usage habits.
links to other sites
This website contains links to other sites. Links to websites not under the control of are provided solely for the convenience of users. is not responsible for the content of any other website, and encourages user to review the privacy policies of these other websites before disclosing personal information online.
In addition to our official website on, also uses social media and third party sites to provide information in a different format that may be useful or interesting to you. When we use these sites, the information we provide is consistent with the intended purpose of the website. does not collect personally identifiable information about you when you visit these third party sites unless you choose to provide that information. Please be aware that the privacy protection provided on social media and third party sites that are not a part of the domain and may not be the same as the privacy protections described here.
for more information…
For more information about’s privacy policies, please contact us.