Deltaic Ecosystem Health Monitoring

Project Outline

General Objectives:

  1. An assessment of the status and health of deltaic wetland ecosystems in the Peace-Athabasca Delta (PAD), including the Birch River Delta (BRD) and rivers/wetlands in the Slave River Drainage (SRD); including the establishment of baseline/reference conditions.
  2. Interpretation of ecological change associated with ongoing oil-sands mining activities within the region, using hydro-climatic, ecogenomics and metrics-based diagnostic techniques. Focus will be on the separation of stressor effects, including contaminants and hydrological change.
  3. Linkage of mainstem and tributary biomonitoring activities within the oil sands region and downstream ecosystem status and trends, to support integration of results within the EC/Alberta Environment joint Oil Sands Monitoring Program and the Lower Athabasca Water Management Framework.

Specific Objectives:

Biological, WQ and Sediment sampling and associated hydrological analyses in PAD and Slave Delta.

Key Outcomes:

To provide information on reach specific and regional impacts of oil sands development on aquatic ecosystem health and to further develop a foundation for assessment of cumulative effects.

Geographic Scope:

Expanded Geographic Extent (EGE) (Peace-Athabasca Delta; Birch Delta; Slave River Drainage area)